Adelaide Playgrounds
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St Kilda Playground

Cockle Street

St Kilda

Carpark Yes
Toilets Yes
Picnic/BBQ area Yes
Wheelchair friendly Yes
Shaded Play Area No
Fully Fenced Play Area No
Grassed Area Yes
Shops/Food nearby Yes
Ground surface Dirt, Bark & Sand
Cleanliness Good
Age range Toddler +

St Kilda Adventure Playground is a must visit for all ages.  with the castle with it's many slides, exciting volcano slides, a bouncy boomerang climbing structure, yellow submarine play area and swings-a-plenty there is something for everyone.  Don't forget the popular pirate ship, flying foxes and maze too. Bring your lunch and stay for the day with picnic and bbq spots and a toilet block close by.


Last Updated Jul 2017 If you find an error with this page please contact us